The Dangers of Undiagnosed Brain Injuries

Hospital emergency rooms tend to be extremely busy and hectic places. On any given day, doctors and nurses must evaluate, diagnose, and treat patients suffering from a variety of medical issues ranging from lacerations and broken bones to severe infections and illnesses. If a condition is not properly diagnosed, and the patient does not receive » Read More

Gastric Balloon Perforations Lead to Fatalities

For many patients suffering from obesity and the range of health conditions that go along with it, surgical procedures like gastric bypass and gastric balloon implants have resulted in significant weight loss and improved health. However, patients, physicians, and surgeons should be aware that there may be serious health risks associated with these procedures and » Read More

Cerebral Palsy Caused by Medical Error

Cerebral palsy affects up to 10,000 children each year, according to the Cerebral Palsy Group, a non-profit advocacy organization. Cerebral palsy is a group of neurological disorders affecting coordination, balance, and movement. The area of the brain that controls muscle movement is damaged, causing those with the disability to have difficulty with muscle control, speech » Read More

Children Who Develop Kernicterus

Although jaundice is a common ailment for some infants, if not diagnosed and properly treated, it could develop into a life-threatening condition called kernicterus. This may interfere with a child’s well-being for years to come and develop into cerebral palsy. In the past, many doctors did not see cases of kernicterus because hospital stays for » Read More