How Common is Birth-Related Malpractice?
January 25, 2021Women who are fortunate enough to receive quality prenatal care throughout their pregnancy often deliver their babies without any major complications. Even when unavoidable complications do arise, doctors are often able to quickly address the issue and prevent the complication from becoming serious or life-threatening. Unfortunately, there are times when negligent medical care causes women » Read More
What Happens to Health Care Providers After a Medical Malpractice Lawsuit?
January 18, 2021Medical malpractice is a serious charge brought against a health care provider by a patient who has been injured, or whose health has been compromised while under the provider’s care. Surprisingly, medical malpractice is a fairly common issue that many health care providers face over the course of their career. Oftentimes, however, these cases are » Read More
How can I Navigate a Medical Malpractice Lawsuit in Maryland?
January 5, 2021As the current Coronavirus (COVID-19) global pandemic has demonstrated, frontline health care workers are invaluable. Nurses, doctors, and other medical professionals are entrusted to make informed medical decisions that are always in the best interests of the people in their care. Unfortunately, even the most skilled and trained professionals make mistakes. Conditions are misdiagnosed. The » Read More