Alarm Fatigue Among Healthcare Providers Jeopardizes Patient Safety

When a patient is admitted to the hospital, oftentimes, they are hooked up to a range of machines that monitor heart rate, oxygen levels, and other important vital signs. Many of the medical devices used to monitor a patient’s health are equipped with alarms that will alert the healthcare provider if something is wrong. While » Read More

How the CDC’s Prescribing Guidelines are Hurting Patients

In 2016, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) published their guidelines for prescribing opioid medications. To prevent misuse of these potent and addictive medications, the guidelines impose supply limits on the number of pills that can be dispensed by a primary care physician, and the number of refills a patient can receive. While » Read More

Risks Associated with Home Births

The child birthing process is one of the most incredible, overwhelming, life-changing experiences for a woman. It is also an extremely personal process. Some women prefer to deliver their baby in a hospital surrounded by doctors, nurses, and high-tech medical equipment, in case something goes wrong. Others choose to deliver at home with the help » Read More

Pursuing a Stroke-Related Malpractice Case

A stroke is a potentially life-threatening medical condition that occurs when the blood flow to the brain has been disturbed, either by a clot or bleeding in the brain. It is the third leading cause of fatality in the United States, fatally injuring approximately 150,000 people each year. Thousands more are left with severe, permanent » Read More

Johns Hopkins Medical Centers Failing Their Own Safety Measures

The Johns Hopkins Medical Centers possess a reputation for patient safety excellence. The network of medical centers within their system consists of four centers in Maryland, and two others based in Washington, D.C. and St. Petersburg, Florida. Their seemingly stellar reputation stems from the creation of a medical checklist that reportedly saved many lives. Doctors » Read More