What Do I Need to Know Before Pursuing a Medical Malpractice Lawsuit?
February 19, 2021According to recent studies, medical malpractice is the third most common cause of death in the United States. Approximately 225,000 patients die each year as a result of surgical errors, dosage errors, and diagnosis errors. However, only a small percentage of medical malpractice victims pursue legal action, and even fewer actually receive financial compensation for » Read More
What Happens to Health Care Providers After a Medical Malpractice Lawsuit?
January 18, 2021Medical malpractice is a serious charge brought against a health care provider by a patient who has been injured, or whose health has been compromised while under the provider’s care. Surprisingly, medical malpractice is a fairly common issue that many health care providers face over the course of their career. Oftentimes, however, these cases are » Read More
Can I File a Medical Malpractice Lawsuit for a Birth Injury?
November 25, 2020Birth injuries are devastating to expectant parents, and potentially life-threatening to the baby. These injuries can occur in utero, during the childbirth process, or shortly after delivery. While some birth injuries are fairly minor, and do not cause lasting health complications, others are much more serious and can compromise the baby’s quality of life. Depending » Read More
What is the Difference Between Medical Malpractice and Medical Negligence?
November 13, 2020As patients, many people do not want to recognize the fact that the doctors, nurses, and other health care professionals responsible for their care are human and capable of making mistakes. Even the most brilliant and respected medical professional can make a mistake. Unfortunately, depending on the circumstances and the nature of the mistake, a » Read More
Is a Doctor Liable If I Did Not Give Consent for Medical Treatment?
October 29, 2020Before undergoing medical treatment, a patient has a right to know exactly what the treatment entails, including any important risks that may be associated with the treatment or procedure. The doctor administering treatment has the responsibility to provide all the pertinent information the patient may need to make an informed decision and agree to proceed » Read More
Can I File a Medical Malpractice Lawsuit for an Ultrasound Error?
October 19, 2020Since the 1950s, the ultrasound has been a vital diagnostic tool that physicians, obstetricians, gynecologists, and other health care providers use to identify and diagnose a range of health complications that can arise during pregnancy. The ultrasound generates images of the developing fetus, as well as the uterus, the amniotic sac, the ovaries, and the » Read More
What Do I Need to Know Before I Pursue a Medical Malpractice Lawsuit?
October 1, 2020When a patient is injured, or their health has been compromised while under the care of a health care professional, the logical next step is to file a medical malpractice lawsuit against the health care professional, particularly if the medical error caused severe health complications. However, it is important for patients to understand that not » Read More
Do I Need to Notify My Doctor When Filing a Medical Malpractice Lawsuit?
September 8, 2020As patients, people put their trust in the hands of health care providers who are responsible for their care. When a patient is injured, or their health has been compromised in some way, this can be a devastating experience. In addition to the physical pain that the injury may have caused, the patient may also » Read More
What Do Victims Need to Prove in a Medical Malpractice Case?
August 25, 2020Doctors have a legal duty of care to their patient’s health and safety. This duty of care indicates that doctors and other medical professionals must provide adequate care to their patients. However, this does not always occur. Some doctors act negligently, leading to a patient’s injury or death. This can burden a victim financially and » Read More
Can I File a Medical Malpractice Lawsuit for a Prescription Medication Error?
August 13, 2020Each year, more than 250,000 people die of medication errors in this country. The public sometimes forgets that doctors are human and are capable of making mistakes. Unfortunately, when a health care professional makes a medication mistake, it can jeopardize a patient’s health and safety. Depending on the type of error, a medication error can » Read More