Can I File a Medical Malpractice Lawsuit for a Birth Injury?
November 25, 2020Birth injuries are devastating to expectant parents, and potentially life-threatening to the baby. These injuries can occur in utero, during the childbirth process, or shortly after delivery. While some birth injuries are fairly minor, and do not cause lasting health complications, others are much more serious and can compromise the baby’s quality of life. Depending » Read More
Can I File a Medical Malpractice Lawsuit for an Ultrasound Error?
October 19, 2020Since the 1950s, the ultrasound has been a vital diagnostic tool that physicians, obstetricians, gynecologists, and other health care providers use to identify and diagnose a range of health complications that can arise during pregnancy. The ultrasound generates images of the developing fetus, as well as the uterus, the amniotic sac, the ovaries, and the » Read More
What is a Breach of Doctor-Patient Confidentiality?
July 31, 2020If someone has a health issue that requires medical attention, or is simply going in for their annual check-up, anything they discuss with their physician is kept between them and the health care provider. The physician is legally required to uphold a doctor-patient confidentiality agreement, which is based on the concept that a patient should » Read More
Filing a Medical Malpractice Lawsuit
March 5, 2020If you were injured or your health was compromised while under the care of a medical professional, the thought of filing a medical malpractice lawsuit may be overwhelming. Unfortunately, medical mistakes do happen, and if negligence was involved, you should consider taking legal action against the health care professional in charge of your care and/or » Read More
Primary and Outpatient Care Settings Affected by Medical Errors
February 27, 2020It is a common misconception that medical errors occur only in hospitals. However, according to a white paper that was recently released by the Foundation for the Innovation and Development of Health Safety, approximately four out of 10 patients are affected by medical errors in the primary care and outpatient health care setting. The study » Read More
Do I Have a Medical Malpractice Case?
January 6, 2020Medical malpractice occurs when a medical professional provides substandard care to a patient. Unfortunately, substandard care alone does not equate to medical malpractice. The substandard care must put a patient at risk to be considered medical malpractice. This means that a patient who wanted a different medical outcome does not have a medical malpractice claim. » Read More
How Should I Proceed with a Medical Malpractice Lawsuit?
December 23, 2019Medical malpractice lawsuits are common in the health care industry, which is why health care providers pay such high premiums for their malpractice insurance. Not all malpractice cases involve negligence. If there is negligence, the patient involved may be eligible for financial compensation; the process of filing a claim and reaching a successful settlement can » Read More
Common Birth Injuries
September 3, 2019While no expecting parent likes to think of the possibility of their baby being injured at birth, injuries are far more common than most realize. It’s estimated that five birth injuries occur for every 1,000 babies born in the U.S. What is a Birth Injury? A birth injury refers to any form of harm or » Read More
Lyme Disease Misdiagnosis Leads to Serious Health Complications
July 23, 2019A common misconception about Lyme disease is that you will immediately develop a bulls-eye rash or flu-like symptoms if you are bitten by a disease-carrying tick. Unfortunately, this is not always the case. In fact, those who develop these symptoms are lucky because they will likely get treated before the disease has a chance to » Read More
Patient Awarded $11.5 Million in Medical Malpractice Lawsuit
July 2, 2019In April 2009, an 18-month-old girl was brought to Newton-Wellesley Hospital in Massachusetts by her father after she started vomiting and showing signs of dehydration. According to court documents, a radiologist performed a chest x-ray and determined that the patient likely had bronchiolitis v. atypical pneumonia. However, he failed to diagnose her enlarged heart, which » Read More